Get Facts About TBC And Its Community And Grow In Wealth

The billion coin is made up of men of integrity whose focus is Godly

TBC Police Is At Alert To Curb Every Discounters Whose Intention Is To Kill TBC.

In The Billion Coin Community, We Work Hard To Make Business Simple

Scarcity Is Man-Made,TBC Brings Abundance To The World

Buy Anything In The World With Kringle Coins

With Kringle Coins Cars,Houses, Servies,Holidays,Hotel Reservations Are Acquired Easily.

The Billion Coin Is Everywhere In The World


Saturday, 13 January 2018

Great Thinkers Who Refused To Be Bought Over By The Elites

Image result for images of thinkers  VS Image result for images of wealthy of the world

In this world, we have a special group of people known as the "THINKERS". The elites do not like THINKERS because they pose a threat to whatever plan they have been working on and the atrocities they plan to unleash on humanity. The only THINKERS they like are the ones they can control to do their bidding. If a THINKER steps out of line, he/she is eliminated immediately.

Have you noticed how programmed our lives are from birth? From the day we were born, we are either being gradually groomed to become slaves to debt slavery system or we have no access at all. The Education system we all get into from the start is a well-designed system/factory to keep us from being THINKERS. Why you may ask? Because THINKERS if given the chance will destroy all the plans of the elites and there is nothing they can do about it.

Everyone is put through an assembly line to become slaves to the debt slavery system. Those of us who show potential to be more than average are tagged and separated from the rest and further brain washed, given scholarships of untold amounts of money to end up serving the elite slave merchants working for the overlords and become more enslaved into the slave system.

For people who work, you spend nothing less than 50 hours a week working and struggling to put food on the table and IT IS AND WILL NEVER BE ENOUGH. This constant struggle prevents us from becoming THINKERS. Some are CONTENT with this system we're all trapped in because they have given in completely to being brain washed and they are OK with constantly being deceived.

The Cryptocurrency revolution and most especially TBC is being led by a THINKER and is gradually unleashing THINKERS back into the world. THINKERS not controlled by the elites are creating more and more THINKERS every day.

Imagine a world where you wake up every day and you do not have to worry about what to eat or where to sleep. Most people argue that a world with no worries will create lazy people. We can CATEGORICALLY and EMPHATICALLY say those people are DEAD WRONG. When you wake up in a world with little to worry about, you suddenly become MORE CREATIVE and you begin to unleash your TRUE NATURE as INTELLIGENT BEINGS.

TBC is on a mission to create EMPOWERED THINKERS who will change the WORLD

Growing Pains

Growing Pains

I’m sorry if I’m late in returning your email.  I’ve been very busy training new staff members because we are experiencing growing pains.  Soon most of the emails will be answered by one of them.  We are also working towards setting up Live Chat for https://thebillioncoin.info so that we can engage more of our Verified Members and assist them with reaching their financial goals using TBC as their vehicle to get there.  We make dreams come true here at TBC and we are in high demand.  People from all over the world are flocking towards us because we offer a sure path to abundance and prosperity.
My work day usually begins at 7AM and ends around 1AM six or seven days a week right now, and it is all for TBC and our community.  When we had about 500 members I could keep up with every task that needed to be done.  Since then we have added a full blown peer to peer trading platform, we are supporting meetings and events all over the world, and to top it off we have set up an award to support the 1st Merchant Services for TBC.
For now, the only way to keep up with all of this growth was to increase our staff and train them all.  We have a lot of new people on our staff and I personally trained each of them myself.  But while I was training them, emails were slipping by, $50 payments to Hosts have been going out late, and so many other things have been left unfinished for the past couple of weeks.  We currently have 2,148 Verified Members and we are growing at an exponential rate.  I would not be surprised if we have 5,000 members by the end of the month.  I want to apologize to all of you for not being able to keep up.  I sincerely want to quickly respond to all of your inquiries and TBC related needs.  I admit that as one man, I cannot do it all myself.  I believe I have made a wise choice to bring in some talented people and to train them to handle the various tasks needed daily.  Even this blog will be turned over one day to a talented blogger.
Personally, I do not want to spend my life stuck in an office every day.  While that is rewarding in many ways, I’d much rather spend my time with the needy all around the world.  It’s a joy for me to personally serve the hungry the food they desperately need; and to see their smiles as they receive it, especially from the children.  TBC is on a mission to end poverty, and together we will succeed in accomplishing that.
Please understand that we are a decentralized organization.  Leaders all around the world are joining us, and they are learning how to serve the rest within their respective TBC communities.  This is exactly what is needed to continue our rapid growth.  These weekly meeting popping up all around the world is an important key to sustain our growth.  It’s much better to ask a local leader the questions you have about TBC, than it is to wait for a reply to an email.  Please attend all of the meetings you can in your area, and feel the warmth coming from your peers within your local TBC community.  United we are strong, and it’s best to unite in person.
Many have submitted wallet repair requests, and even if you haven’t heard from us yet, please know that your coins are secure.  We will repair all of the wallets as needed all along the way, and you will have full access to your TBC coins within them.  Recently, we have added instructions on how to properly use your wallets so that you do not create a need for a repair.  Additional wallets are coming soon, in fact, for the Android users, they will be able to get the Android TBC wallet very soon.  We are almost ready to release it now.
They say that patience is a virtue, but I’m here to tell you that patience is a necessary ingredient to success.  You simply cannot succeed at anything without having enough patience to endure the challenges that arise in any given endeavor.  That is also true for each of you that are Stake Holders.  I’ve noticed a lot of impatient behavior within the TBC Member Relations group chat within the Users Area of the website.  Slow down a bit and smell the roses along the way.  The journey is meant to be just as fun as the destination.  Consider the fact that the Ultimate Price of TBC is directly tied to the membership growth.  If your bad behavior within the TBC Member Relations group chat offends or discourages a brand new member, they are less likely to make an effort to expand our TBC community.  Be full of kindness and respect when you interact with others, and you will arrive much faster to the destination of abundance and prosperity.  If you allow yourself to be sucked into someone else’s drama and negativity, then you may fall off this wonderful path meant to make all of your wildest dreams come true.  You can always click on to the REPORT ABUSE link and our staff will address that member, and if needed, remove them altogether by blocking their IP address.  Then they will not be able to access the entire website ever again from that IP address.
You all have more than enough tools to build TBC around you, so that TBC becomes a big part of the community where you live.  We are creating Millionaires very fast, for some, in less than six months.  Just watch the Millionaire Board, and yes we are still debugging it.  Soon it will be working perfectly.  Coding from scratch is not only very time consuming, but also requires a lot of field testing.  Our Website is unique, and custom.  The look and feel at this time is very simple, but that is also about to change.  We have several domains and we will be building a new version of our website modeled after this one:  http://digitalcoin.org  We like the look and feel of that website and we will put all of our content into something that looks like that very soon.
Finally, may I request that you only email us with real needs, many of the questions that are asked in your emails have already been answered within the Education area of the website.  Spend some quality time in there, attend local meetings, and always be supportive.  If each person carries themselves well, and doesn’t burden others needlessly, we will continue to experience rapid growth.  Thank you for reading this entire message.

A Lot Of People Are Using Credit Cards to Buy Bitcoin

Image result for bitcoin
A recent poll shows that nearly one-fifth of all Bitcoin buyers are using credit cards to fund their investments, likely paying hefty fees for the privilege. A large portion of those buyers then carry the balance instead of paying their cards off, implying that they’re highly leveraged – but confident that their investments will grow in value.
The findings come from a survey conducted by LendEDU, a student loan refinancer, in December. They conducted an online poll of the payment behavior of 672 active Bitcoin investors, and found that 18.15% of them bought the virtual currency with a credit card.
Of those, 22.13% did not pay off their credit card balances. Nearly 90% of those planned to pay off the balances by selling their Bitcoin investments, implying a firm faith that the cryptocurrency’s price would continue rising. LendEDU doesn’t indicate that the survey was scientifically randomized, but its large sample size, and use of two layers of screening to ensure respondents were actual Bitcoin buyers, gives credence to its findings.
The numbers are worrisome for at least two reasons. The main U.S. cryptocurrency marketplace, CoinBase, charges a 4% transaction fee for credit card purchases. For nearly any other form of investment, that fee alone would wipe out most of any reasonably-expected appreciation. In traditional investing, low expenses are a major factor in long-term success.
In other words, even credit-card Bitcoin buyers who pay off their balances immediately are throwing money away. And ironically, those fees go in large part to credit card companies themselves – the very intermediary institutions Bitcoin was invented to undermine.
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But those carrying a balance after buying Bitcoin are even more troubling. Carrying a credit balance implies they don’t have the cash on hand to directly fund their Bitcoin purchases, and will only be able to pay off their debt, fees, and interest if the investment grows. With credit card APRs generally around 15%, that growth would also need to be rapid, rather than long-term.
That’s a recipe for personal financial disaster, and maybe more widespread problems. For example, LendEDU’s survey was conducted in early December, as the price of Bitcoin rose from around $11,000 to around $17,000. But, after an even higher peak that month, the cryptocurrency has once again declined to just under $14,500.
That implies many of those plastic-funded investors have already taken losses on loans they can’t afford to repay. And if prior cycles of Bitcoin mania replay themselves, the cryptocurrency’s price could be entering a long, slow decline that will only amplify those unfunded losses.
That, in microcosm, reflects concerns about Bitcoin as a systemic economic risk, as more and more leveraging products enter an obviously overheated market. Leading economists mostly agree that the cryptocurrency market just isn’t big enough for a crash to cause the kind of damage that real-estate leverage exposure did back in 2008. But the same bad habits, if they continue, could become a much more serious worry in the future.
So, to reiterate: despite its recent rally, cryptocurrency is a highly speculative investment. Don’t put in more money than you can afford to lose outright – and definitely don’t put in more money than you have.

TBC has Doubled in Value for the 31st Time Today (Videos/Poster/Image/Article)

€ 2,400,810.24

TBC has doubled in value for the 31st time today and this will perhaps be the last time the date of doubling will be so predictable out of the last 10 doubles with 9 remaining doubles to complete before we reach our final destination of arriving at the price of 1 Billion Euros per TBC coin.  In about 4 days from now we will stop increasing the value of the Current Price by 2% a day as we will slam into the Ultimate Price at that time.  According to the TBC Pricing Formula the Current Price of TBC can never exceed the Ultimate Price.  This was bound to happen at some point along our journey and I just want to prepare you for the upcoming event.  In a couple of days I will write a detailed article covering this situation.  This is not necessarily an alarming event and you can take some time now to get familiar with the Formula by going here:  https://thebillioncoin.info/tbc_formula.php
Based on averages that extend all the way back to our launch on March 21st, 2016. Yesterday, the Current Price of TBC went up by about 47,000 Euros, yet the Ultimate Price attached to membership growth increased by about 4,000 Euros yesterday. We would need to grow by around 25,000 new members a day at this time to have the Current Price increase by 1% a day.  Most likely what will happen from now on is that Current Price of TBC will catch up to the Ultimate Price daily.
This is a historic day within the crypto-currency space and we should all celebrate that as a whole we have achieved all time highs within this grand revolution.  I highly recommend that after you watch the following video that you subscribe to the Dollar Vigilante YouTube channel:

The long standing current financial structure built upon the idea of artificial scarcity is collapsing today like a slow motion train wreck.  You can contrast that by what we are doing here in TBC having built the first “Abundance-based” currency in the world.  You can read more about that in my very 1st blog post:  http://blog.thebillioncoin.info/2016/04/02/scarcity-is-artificial-come-live-a-life-of-abundance/
Take a look at this image below, it says alot about the nature of artificial scarcity and how few are those holding ALL of the POWER:
BillionairesMONEY is POWER and out of seven and a half Billion people only about 2,000 people are Billionaires today, and they all support the grand deception of artificial scarcity and collude with one another to keep it that way.  So many wonderful things and truths have been suppressed by these power Elites such as Tesla’s FREE ENERGY devices.  We’d all be using flying cars by now if it wasn’t for all of the suppression.  The agenda of the Elite is simply EVIL.  According to the design of TBC we will create a million Billionaires, and I hope that is one of our 2018 achievements.  Isn’t that a far better distribution among the seven and a half Billion people today compared to only having 2,000 people as Billionaires as it is now?  Suppressing technology will vanish under an economy built upon the truth of Abundance.  I also believe a society thriving within Abundance would regulate dangerous technologies much better than what we have been doing up to date.  When so few have ALL the POWER, these Elite have been able to get away with so many evil things.  I believe in YOU, way more than I believe in the EVIL Elite.  A million of YOU as Billionaires will gain the necessary POWER to put to an end to all of the evil practices and agendas of these Elite!  Ultimately, a Billion of YOU will all become Millionaires too, rounding out the Abundance economy to come.  Collectively we will End Poverty globally, and then from there we will move on to an unlimited number of missions.  Happiness will replace misery as the general human condition worldwide.  Lack of MONEY will no longer hold humanity back from any good work that enters the heart of a man or woman upon Earth.  We have experienced 31 doubles so far of the Current Price of TBC on this journey we are on, and I hope you all can stretch your imagination enough to see the vision ahead of us, as I do.  It does take vision to believe you can become a Billionaire, and now is the time to become that!  Gathering a Billion people to become members of TBC will completely open all of the locks holding back the liquidity of the TBC currency.  At that time, if you are a TBC Billionaire you will easily find a seller of anything you want and they will gladly accept 100% TBC for it because TBC will be considered one of the most stable currencies in the world.  Buy a whole building, a yacht, or a private jet, peer to peer, without the interference of any government or bank.  Uniting a Billion people is what makes all of this possible.  It completely unlocks the whole value of the TBC coins, and they become the medium for exchange of any good or service.  Only now, do we need some opportunities to exchange TBC for a more widely accepted currency to meet our needs and wants today.  That will all fade away the bigger we grow as a community.
I’m telling you that the video reports is what the community needs now to increase the speed of our growth.  If giving the Kringle gift away opens the loop in our marketing system, the video reports closes that loop and completes our marketing system.  These videos will inspire so many people to get the courage they need to start marketing TBC.  They will also attract a bunch of people to purchase TBC directly from YOU, or to partner with YOU to do much business together.  Once a Million TBC members are following the training of the Kringle Cash system we will grow by Millions of new members a day.  But we need to close the loop guys to get there.  Make it your New Years Resolution to follow all of the training in our Kringle Cash marketing system, including posting YOUR daily reports to the Testimonial area of the website:  https://thebillioncoin.info/tbc_testimonials.php
Please see this excellent example of a great video report: http://blog.thebillioncoin.info/2017/12/31/12312017-featured-testimonial-videoarticle/