TBC has doubled in value for the 31st time today and this will perhaps be the last time the date of doubling will be so predictable out of the last 10 doubles with 9 remaining doubles to complete before we reach our final destination of arriving at the price of 1 Billion Euros per TBC coin. In about 4 days from now we will stop increasing the value of the Current Price by 2% a day as we will slam into the Ultimate Price at that time. According to the TBC Pricing Formula the Current Price of TBC can never exceed the Ultimate Price. This was bound to happen at some point along our journey and I just want to prepare you for the upcoming event. In a couple of days I will write a detailed article covering this situation. This is not necessarily an alarming event and you can take some time now to get familiar with the Formula by going here: https://thebillioncoin.info/tbc_formula.php
Based on averages that extend all the way back to our launch on March 21st, 2016. Yesterday, the Current Price of TBC went up by about 47,000 Euros, yet the Ultimate Price attached to membership growth increased by about 4,000 Euros yesterday. We would need to grow by around 25,000 new members a day at this time to have the Current Price increase by 1% a day. Most likely what will happen from now on is that Current Price of TBC will catch up to the Ultimate Price daily.
This is a historic day within the crypto-currency space and we should all celebrate that as a whole we have achieved all time highs within this grand revolution. I highly recommend that after you watch the following video that you subscribe to the Dollar Vigilante YouTube channel:
The long standing current financial structure built upon the idea of artificial scarcity is collapsing today like a slow motion train wreck. You can contrast that by what we are doing here in TBC having built the first “Abundance-based” currency in the world. You can read more about that in my very 1st blog post: http://blog.thebillioncoin.info/2016/04/02/scarcity-is-artificial-come-live-a-life-of-abundance/
Take a look at this image below, it says alot about the nature of artificial scarcity and how few are those holding ALL of the POWER:
MONEY is POWER and out of seven and a half Billion people only about 2,000 people are Billionaires today, and they all support the grand deception of artificial scarcity and collude with one another to keep it that way. So many wonderful things and truths have been suppressed by these power Elites such as Tesla’s FREE ENERGY devices. We’d all be using flying cars by now if it wasn’t for all of the suppression. The agenda of the Elite is simply EVIL. According to the design of TBC we will create a million Billionaires, and I hope that is one of our 2018 achievements. Isn’t that a far better distribution among the seven and a half Billion people today compared to only having 2,000 people as Billionaires as it is now? Suppressing technology will vanish under an economy built upon the truth of Abundance. I also believe a society thriving within Abundance would regulate dangerous technologies much better than what we have been doing up to date. When so few have ALL the POWER, these Elite have been able to get away with so many evil things. I believe in YOU, way more than I believe in the EVIL Elite. A million of YOU as Billionaires will gain the necessary POWER to put to an end to all of the evil practices and agendas of these Elite! Ultimately, a Billion of YOU will all become Millionaires too, rounding out the Abundance economy to come. Collectively we will End Poverty globally, and then from there we will move on to an unlimited number of missions. Happiness will replace misery as the general human condition worldwide. Lack of MONEY will no longer hold humanity back from any good work that enters the heart of a man or woman upon Earth. We have experienced 31 doubles so far of the Current Price of TBC on this journey we are on, and I hope you all can stretch your imagination enough to see the vision ahead of us, as I do. It does take vision to believe you can become a Billionaire, and now is the time to become that! Gathering a Billion people to become members of TBC will completely open all of the locks holding back the liquidity of the TBC currency. At that time, if you are a TBC Billionaire you will easily find a seller of anything you want and they will gladly accept 100% TBC for it because TBC will be considered one of the most stable currencies in the world. Buy a whole building, a yacht, or a private jet, peer to peer, without the interference of any government or bank. Uniting a Billion people is what makes all of this possible. It completely unlocks the whole value of the TBC coins, and they become the medium for exchange of any good or service. Only now, do we need some opportunities to exchange TBC for a more widely accepted currency to meet our needs and wants today. That will all fade away the bigger we grow as a community.
MONEY is POWER and out of seven and a half Billion people only about 2,000 people are Billionaires today, and they all support the grand deception of artificial scarcity and collude with one another to keep it that way. So many wonderful things and truths have been suppressed by these power Elites such as Tesla’s FREE ENERGY devices. We’d all be using flying cars by now if it wasn’t for all of the suppression. The agenda of the Elite is simply EVIL. According to the design of TBC we will create a million Billionaires, and I hope that is one of our 2018 achievements. Isn’t that a far better distribution among the seven and a half Billion people today compared to only having 2,000 people as Billionaires as it is now? Suppressing technology will vanish under an economy built upon the truth of Abundance. I also believe a society thriving within Abundance would regulate dangerous technologies much better than what we have been doing up to date. When so few have ALL the POWER, these Elite have been able to get away with so many evil things. I believe in YOU, way more than I believe in the EVIL Elite. A million of YOU as Billionaires will gain the necessary POWER to put to an end to all of the evil practices and agendas of these Elite! Ultimately, a Billion of YOU will all become Millionaires too, rounding out the Abundance economy to come. Collectively we will End Poverty globally, and then from there we will move on to an unlimited number of missions. Happiness will replace misery as the general human condition worldwide. Lack of MONEY will no longer hold humanity back from any good work that enters the heart of a man or woman upon Earth. We have experienced 31 doubles so far of the Current Price of TBC on this journey we are on, and I hope you all can stretch your imagination enough to see the vision ahead of us, as I do. It does take vision to believe you can become a Billionaire, and now is the time to become that! Gathering a Billion people to become members of TBC will completely open all of the locks holding back the liquidity of the TBC currency. At that time, if you are a TBC Billionaire you will easily find a seller of anything you want and they will gladly accept 100% TBC for it because TBC will be considered one of the most stable currencies in the world. Buy a whole building, a yacht, or a private jet, peer to peer, without the interference of any government or bank. Uniting a Billion people is what makes all of this possible. It completely unlocks the whole value of the TBC coins, and they become the medium for exchange of any good or service. Only now, do we need some opportunities to exchange TBC for a more widely accepted currency to meet our needs and wants today. That will all fade away the bigger we grow as a community.
I’m telling you that the video reports is what the community needs now to increase the speed of our growth. If giving the Kringle gift away opens the loop in our marketing system, the video reports closes that loop and completes our marketing system. These videos will inspire so many people to get the courage they need to start marketing TBC. They will also attract a bunch of people to purchase TBC directly from YOU, or to partner with YOU to do much business together. Once a Million TBC members are following the training of the Kringle Cash system we will grow by Millions of new members a day. But we need to close the loop guys to get there. Make it your New Years Resolution to follow all of the training in our Kringle Cash marketing system, including posting YOUR daily reports to the Testimonial area of the website: https://thebillioncoin.info/tbc_testimonials.php
Please see this excellent example of a great video report: http://blog.thebillioncoin.info/2017/12/31/12312017-featured-testimonial-videoarticle/
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